Wednesday, 1 January 2025
A free, public domain database of New ZZealand post codes and geo data, collated from public sources and the community.
Includes Longitude and Latitude values.
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Wednesday, 1 January 2025
A free, public domain database of Australian post codes and geo data, collated from public sources and the community.
Includes Long/Lat and over 18,000 entries.
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Friday, 30 January 2015
UCWA, or the Unified Communications Web API, lets your send IMs easily using a simple HTTP RESTful API hosted on your Lync environment.
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Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Today, most people think of Lync and Skype as tools for Unified Communications – Instant Messaging, Audio and Video conferencing, Application Sharing and in some instances telephony solutions.
Lync (and soon Skype for Business, the next version of Lync) can also be used as the end-point for receiving and processing a wide range of modalities, including Instant Messaging.
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Monday, 19 May 2014
It seems that almost every day, somebody asks me which is better Lync Online / Office 365 or a cloud-based hosted version.
Obviously Lync Online and Office 365 are cloud-based solutions, but they are built for the masses primarily the SMB/SME market.
They are online, low-cost, turnkey solutions, but lack a number of key features that are important to many businesses.
Capability and Feature DifferencesWhilst fundamentally the same product, there are a number of significant differences between a hosted implementation of Lync, and that offered by Office 365.
These differences are also valid for On-Premises installations of Lync Server 2013.
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Sunday, 22 December 2013
Adventure in Post-Nuclear AmericaJust on a week ago, inXile Entertainment released a beta of their upcoming game, Wasteland 2 – the long awaited (25 years!).
The original was a post-apocalyptic role-playing video game developed by Interplay, and released in 1988 for the Apple ][, PC and Commodore 64.
The game is set in an alternate history timeline, mirroring that of the original classic game, in which a nuclear holocaust has decimated the planet, reverting society into one of primitive technology and anarchy.
On the day of the cataclysm, a company of U.
Army Engineers were in a remote desolate desert building bridges.
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Sunday, 15 December 2013
Re-posted from Microsoft Case Studies By moving to Windows Server we've saved around 80% on licensing costs and dramatically reduced provisioning times for new virtual machines.
Matthew Proctor, General Manager Data Centre & Cloud, Primus TelecomBusiness NeedsWith the advent of cloud computing, Primus Telecom found itself dramatically transitioning toward cloud technology.
We began building a cloud environment in the mid 2000s and launched our cloud services formally in 2008 with the acquisition of bespoke Managed Services Provider Imagineering Technology, recounts Matthew Proctor, General Manager of Data Centre & Cloud at Primus Telecom.
Our customer base grew faster than we anticipated so we started to expand our offering.
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Wednesday, 11 June 2003
Written by Patrick Gray, ZDNetSoaring professional indemnity and public liability insurance costs have sparked outrage among IT contractors, employers and employment agencies.
Managing director of Melbourne based Imagineering Technologies is feeling the impact already.
“It has had a major financial impact… it’s something that we need to either absorb or pass on to our clients.
It’s an unacceptable situation,” he said.
Proctor cannot understand why the insurance industry is stepping up premiums when market conditions haven’t changed.
“I don’t believe the IT industry in its current state has changed greatly over the last three to four years,” he said.
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